Our Mission
Sunshine Citizens is a non-partisan and grassroots organization that promotes walkable, inclusive communities and smart growth. We are actively building a coalition of like-minded groups, citizens and local leaders in Tampa Bay who share our vision for better fiscal choices and positive economic development for our area. We are committed to holding the government accountable to open and transparent planning processes and real costs.
Sunshine Citizens will strive to make decisions and take actions focused on and acting on behalf of these guiding principles. We will:
- Actively advocate for our vision of better choices, smarter growth and positive economic development for Tampa and Hillsborough County.
- Promote design and development that emphasize walkability, complete streets, multiple transportation options, and smart mobility so as to provide a balanced, workable system that serves all Hillsborough county residents and reduces our dependence on the automobile.
- Encourage and advocate for public participation, policies and planning that emphasize pedestrian-focused built environments, bicycling and human-powered mobility, complete streets, and comprehensive transit including fully funded bus and light rail systems.
- Support new urbanism redevelopment and favor smart growth principles that stimulate economic growth and prosperity.
- Focus on education of residents and public officials about transportation policy and issues, and the financial, environmental and societal costs of highway widening.
- Educate our community and decision makers on the ineffectiveness of highway widening as a method for reducing traffic congestion.
- Petition our elected representatives and business sector leaders to exemplify responsiveness to community plans and public input, with an outcome of good governance with accountability and transparency.
- Stress fiscal responsibility and value for investment of taxpayer funds; use a common sense approach to policy, to lead to pragmatic solutions.
- Work for the better good for our families, friends and communities in the Tampa Bay region.
- Value, protect and advocate for Tampa’s cultural resources, diversity and heritage.